Not sure what services you need or where to start?
Not sure what services you need or where to start?
Personal care assistance is provided in the home to people with disabilities or a chronic, disabling disease who need assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).
A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) is a person who does things for you that you are physically unable to do yourself. A PCA also helps you do things that would take an exceptionally long time to do on your own. The duties of the PCA vary, depending on the nature of your disability and your daily schedule.
The individual is responsible for hiring, firing, training and managing his or her own Personal Care Assistant (PCA). The consumer is the employer and the PCA is the employee.
If a person cannot manage the program themselves, they are able to name someone they know as a Surrogtae or Administrative Proxy who can help them to manage the program.
WestMass ElderCare is a private, non-profit agency founded in 1974 which is funded in part by grants and contracts from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. We are part of a network of Aging Services Access Points and Area Agencies on Aging.