Not sure what services you need or where to start?
Not sure what services you need or where to start?
WMEC’s Family Caregiver Support Specialist provides assistance, respite care, financial assistance and information/outreach to Family Caregivers, including older adults, adults with chronic conditions, grandparents and older adults caring for young children, and adults caring for a child with a disability between the ages of 19 and 59.
While WMEC doesn’t, we can supply a list of providers to contact or you may use a family member or friend.
Once opened and introduced to Family Caregiver Support Groups, the caregiver may remain open and receive support, counseling, information, and resources, as needed.
Family Caregiver Support requires no income information to be supplied.
There is no fee for the Family Caregiver Support program.
WestMass ElderCare is a private, non-profit agency founded in 1974 which is funded in part by grants and contracts from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. We are part of a network of Aging Services Access Points and Area Agencies on Aging.