Not sure what services you need or where to start?
Not sure what services you need or where to start?
If you or a loved one are in need, but you don’t know which programs will help most, reach out to our Community Resources Team! They can answer your questions, explore service options, review benefits, and provide details and referrals for WMEC services and many other community resources. You can reach them by email or phone.
4 Valley Mill Road
Holyoke, MA 01040
MONDAY | 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
TUESDAY | 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
WEDNESDAY | 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
THURSDAY | 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
FRIDAY | 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
SATURDAY | Office Closed |
SUNDAY | Office Closed |
P 413.538.9020
TF 800.462.2301
TTY 800.875.0287
F 413.538.6258
WestMass ElderCare is a private, non-profit agency founded in 1974 which is funded in part by grants and contracts from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. We are part of a network of Aging Services Access Points and Area Agencies on Aging.