Not sure what services you need or where to start?
Not sure what services you need or where to start?
GrandFacts Fact Sheets, available at no cost from USAging’s partners at the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network, provide state-specific contacts for organizations that work with kinship/grandfamilies. The fact sheets also include jurisdiction-specific data about kinship/grandfamilies. GrandFacts fact sheets are available for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and several tribes. In a 2022 topical poll conducted by USAging for the Network, 32 percent of AAA and Title VI program respondents said that knowing which organizations to partner with to reach kinship/grandfamilies was a major challenge to their ability to support more kinship/grandfamilies. View a recording of the related webinar here.
WestMass ElderCare is a private, non-profit agency founded in 1974 which is funded in part by grants and contracts from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. We are part of a network of Aging Services Access Points and Area Agencies on Aging.