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Get Boosted, Get A $75 Gift Card

In addition to the enhanced protection from COVID provided by vaccinations and boosters, some vaccine clinics in the area are offering a $75 gift card to encourage you to keep […]

WMEC Director’s Message November 2022

Caregivers — Most of us are one or need one! Celebrated every November, National Family Caregivers Month (NFCM) is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. It offers […]

WMEC Director’s Message October 2022

In celebration of Latino Heritage Month 2022   Greetings! This year’s theme for Latino Heritage Month, also known as Hispanic Heritage Month, is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. Diversity is […]

WMEC Director’s Message September 2022

Celebrating Grandparents and Senior Centers – Pillars of our Community! Greetings! This year, Grandparents Day was celebrated earlier this month on September 11.  While we honor and celebrate grandparents every […]

Empowering an Age and Dementia-Friendly Western Mass

Alzheimer’s is a disease that impacts precious memories, personal relationships, family dynamics, and so much more. However, despite the personal impact that Alzheimer’s has on individuals and families, it is […]

WMEC Director’s Message August 2022

Caring for Community, with the Community    This month’s newsletter features an interview with Becky Basch and Carol Constant, two local leaders who have played key roles in advancing the Aging […]